Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Looks more like a redhead

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Visit the official site here.

Breast Cancer will be detected in one of eight women in the US each year.
It is the second leading cause of cancer death among women each year.
On average every 2 minutes a woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer and every 13 minutes one person will die from breast cancer.
There are currently 33 million breast cancer survivors in the USA.

It's important to support the research for cancer.  Breast Cancer is often associated with the color pink so I will be showing off some pink Cutch cards.

In addition, you can expect to see some boobs with each post.  Who doesn't love boobs?

So let's start with what we're hoping to save!

Christina Hendricks has already been featured (and on a hump day no less), but I feel like I slighted everyone by not showing more of this busty beauty.
Her curves are almost overshadowed by her red hair that she is also known for.
Despite the red hair, you can't not notice that chest.

How about another?

Now here are some gifs that will make us enjoy her appearance on the blog again as we celebrate Save The Boobies month.

First up is my favorite scene from Firefly
Now some more of Christina bouncing around

Ooh this is so exciting

Let's applaud this gorgeous woman.

Hendricks might be the most well known large chested red haired actress in Hollywood.
Topps has been producing pink parallels  for a few years.  This year's version of the Cutch parallel looks more red (like Christina's hair).  Supposedly it's pink though.  Not red.  The Allegheny Armada with John Jaso is clearly pink.

Pink and red go well together no matter what you call it, it's good to look at.


  1. Some have stars in their eyes I've got hearts in my eyes. Or my heart is in throat or heck Christina Hendricks and Boobies are almost always said in the same sentence. Its a law or something.

  2. She's incredible! Let's all give her a standing ovation.

  3. Wait....did u write something? ?

  4. Probably should've had those front and center to start series...WOW!

  5. Cutch...may I suggest Elle Johnson for consideration saving the ta ta's... just Google her.

    1. Never heard of her, but HOT DAMN!!!! She's getting the spotlight this week.
