Thursday, December 8, 2016

A One of a Kind Tribute

I feel like having nearly 1,400 unique cards of Cutch is a pretty good tribute to my favorite ballplayer. That being said, I don't even have half his produced cards. Each day I am on the search for more and more cards to add to the PC.

What is the number for us collectors to hit for that "Wow! What a collection?" 

Is 1,400 unique cards of a player enough for a guy who made his MLB debut back in 2009? 

Is having 3 1/1s of a release not enough of a Tribute? 

You decide

Above are the 3 1 of 1s I have from 2016 Topps Tribute. The Black 1/1, Superfractor, and Yellow Printing Plate.

Obviously I am still looking for the Cyan, Magenta, and Black Plates in addition to the Topps Vault Blank Back. This just proves how hard it is to complete a true rainbow. Even with 3 One of a Kind cards from a release I am still under 50% for giving it a true tribute in terms of 1 of 1s.

Have any of you completed a rainbow including all 4 printing plates?  How close have you come?


  1. I've never came close to a rainbow. In fact I'm only really attempted one and I've already failed at it. I have to travel for work sometimes so eBay watch time is limited. A few cards I needed fell through the cracks.

    1. If it's not a Cutch card, I might have it and be willing to help. I'm streamlining my collection and looking to purge a lot of excess

  2. I own a handful of printing plates... but none of them are for the same card. So I'm always a quarter of the way there. Best of luck on your hunt for the final three plates.

    1. Thanks Fuji. I hate the Topps Blank Back cards and never try to get them. I would love to add the other plates though.

  3. Closest I've ever come is my 2009 Tribute Rollie Fingers rainbow I'm missing 2 printing plates, had one of those slip through my fingers.
