Friday, October 22, 2021

Update on Save Second Base Event

Hello friends and fellow collectors. I'm sorry I haven't been able to do daily posts this year for my annual October Save Second Base event.  Life has really gotten in fhe way this year, but there are good things to come.

I found a house and finally got a winning offer on one.  Between all the fun with that I have also taken on weekly overtime this month in the 12-20 hours a week during this stretch. 

I have a few posts planned for next week.

Sorry to anyone that enjoys the daily content.  

Please don't forget to help support breast cancer research so we can all help Save Second Base. 


  1. Congrats on the house! Assume you're paining it pink?

  2. Congratulations on the new house. Family first, we'll always be here.

  3. Congrats on the house. That's wonderful news. I hope you never really feel pressured (other than self-inflicted pressure, which I get) to do posts. Speaking for us all, we're patient and wishing you the very, very best.

  4. Yeah, work and a home certainly should be your priorities. We'll be here when you have time. Hope it all goes very well.

  5. Awesome news on the new house! And of course you're gonna need all that sweet sweet OT!

  6. Congrats on the successful home search. Still in Jersey I assume?

  7. Great news on the house. I've been preapproved and am casually looking but haven't got a realtor on the case yet. I really need to get all my cars (yes, automobiles) together in one place.
