Friday, October 9, 2020

A Charmed Hallpass

Each year during the month of October, I show off only pink (and shades of pink like magenta, peach, etc) to help raise awareness of Breast Cancer, a leading cause of death for females in the United States.  For each (meaningful, non spam) comment left by those that follow the blog I donate a dollar to hopefully help at least one woman get a much needed mammogram.  Early detection is key!!!

If you want to make your own private donation please visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation.  There is a donate button on the main page and it only takes a minute of your time.  Every little bit helps.

I have focused primarily on cards that only feature Andrew McCutchen on the card, but in recent years have also featured cards with a cameo appearance (either being seen on the card or as a name cameo on the back of the card).  Last year I created Falco Files which discussed players that replaced (Shane Falco Replacements movie reference) on an active roster, number worn, or trade.  I will continue to utilize these styles of posts as we celebrate the 4th Collecting Cutch Save Second Base event (I am no longer counting my first run on the Pirates Treasure Room I did back in 2014.)

Please be sure to click here for a Babe Ruth relic card I am offering as a contest prize to one lucky person who posts their own pink cards for the month.  I am matching the $1 per comment on YOUR BLOGS too if you show off pink cards. 

You ready to get started?

Alyssa Milano will be the featured subject today.
When I was in my late teens, Alyssa was one of the hottest women on TV.
Appearing first on Who's The Boss and later on Charmed, I seemed to have grown up with Milano being the slightly older hottie on TV I always crushed on.

Alyssa was born in 1972 and has been acting since 1984.  
From her early roots as an actress she has publicly showed her appreciation as a fan by attending many Dodgers games a year.
She has even partnered with MLB to design her own clothing for female sports fans, modeling off the Dodgers above.

A movie I just remembered that she was in was Hallpass
The movie concept is for one week you get a "hallpass" that basically allows you to do whatever you want with no repercussions from your significant other.  Comedy ensues as they begin thinking they can hookup with other women.

Speaking of cheating with no repurcussions, I wonder how Dodgers fans feel about this bunch?
Dodgers fans around the world would like greater punishment to the 2017 Astros.  With the Astros clinching their 4th straight ALCS last night it is very possible that a Dodgers Astros rematch could be in the cards for this year.

Turn over the above 2016 card and you will see that it is an Andrew McCutchen name cameo on the back of this pink checklist highlights card (he is number 20 on the checklist)
Yup, I'm adding checklists to the card portfolio now too so keep your eyes out for any checklists you may have.

On a very serious matter, Alyssa has recently been in the news for battling COVID-19.  Prayers for Alyssa on a speedy and safe recovery.
She has posted about the damages it has caused to her health and appearance since getting symptoms.  



  1. I don't always agree with the things she says, but certainly has always been a looker!

  2. She was also the Mayor's Daughter (cameos) on Spin City w/ Barry Bostwick & Michael J. Fox. She rode naked on a horse through the streets of NYC during a press conference.

    Good Job. 👍

  3. What's the black skirt scene from? She looks too old for Who's but too young for Charmed. Is it a movie?

    Anyway, she was also in the news recently because a kid was shooting at squirrels and she called the cops.

  4. I love Alyssa Milano as an actress. Fell in love with her on "Who's The Boss" and loved her in "Charmed', BUT I do not like her political activism. She is too liberal for me. I tend to be centrist or moderate leaning slightly right and more conservative than liberal.

  5. She is such a hottie. Hopefully she has a full recovery. Really like that Astros card. Good post.

  6. Grew up watching Who's The Boss and watched Charmed because of her - great actress and very beautiful.

  7. I had no idea she had gotten Covid. Yikes and I agree, wear a mask!! On another note, she remains on my list of autograph cards I want.

  8. Excellent choice. I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery from the corona. What a godawful year this has been :/

  9. She's terrific. I like everything about he, especially her activism. Hope she returns to 100% very soon.

  10. Funny you say she was the "slightly older hottie"...for me, well, let's say I wasn't SUPPOSED to be into her on Who's The Boss, and leave it at that, OK?

    She deserves a lot of credit for helping get the MeToo movement off the ground and exposing a lot of sexual harassment.

  11. Have been in Alyssa's camp since I knew she was a Dodger fan, and you may have seen her appear on my sidebar a time or two.

    I was always a fan of those Charmed outfits. Who doesn't love Alyssa and Shannen Doherty? But your reference to Alyssa being "slightly older" makes me feel old! I remember when she was like 10!

    She is a little TOO SWJ for me. I agree with her sometimes and sometimes I don't. Overall, I think some people need to step away from the keyboard a little more often.

  12. Can't think of any Milano movies, but I grew up watching Who's the Boss and she had a great role in My Name is Earl. Very sad to hear she's battling Covid. Thoughts are with her and hopefully she comes out on top.

  13. I don't much about Milano (or virtually any other actor if I'm being honest) but I applaud your dedication to raising awareness of breast cancer (both in terms of the blog but also in terms of your monetary donations).

  14. Had a thing for her right up to the ending of Charmed. After that her politics/activism became too much and turned me off. I wish her well and a speedy recovery. BTW, she has one heck of a back story when she was becoming an adult. That Vampire movie was pretty darn good back then.

  15. I agree with Lost Collector, Captain Kirk, and Johnny's Trading spot.

    Celebrities need to stick to acting/singing/sports or whatever it is they do, and keep their political views to themselves. No normal person wants to hear that nonsense. It just tarnishes whatever image they still have.

    (Alec Baldwin, if you are reading this, it is too late for you already! LOL)

  16. I am a fan of Milano's and not just because she supports the Dodgers. She and everyone else has the right to speak out. I do not agree with the "stick to sports/acting" mantra. There are plenty of celebs and athletes with whom I disagree but they have a right to express their opinions. Saying "stick to whatever" to me sounds like you are saying "I disagree with you so shut up" or worse.

  17. Yes, they are entitled to their opinion, just as you and I are.

    The problem I have with it is this:

    They sing, act, whatever, for public consumption, and that's fine because they are better at that than the average schmoe.

    But when they start offering their non- professional opinions on things outside their expertise, their platform enables them to act like their opinions are more important or valid than the average schmoe (which they aren't) but a good number of them believe they are.

  18. I will always first associate her with Who's the Boss. Great show. I bet Jonathan had a great baseball card collection. He always had tons of cash for a little kid.
